Pat Hanson
Pat Hanson, Ph.D. is a seasoned health educator, public speaker, and novice comedienne putting the final touches on memoirs that chronologue her colorful life. Proud to report she’s a healthy survivor of the ‘if-it-feels-good-do-it’ sixties and the ‘AID’ies,’ she is a feminist whose been married three times and calls herself ‘bi-coastal.’ She is deeply involved in the New Thought spirituality. She lives in Monterey California with her third husband and ‘significant equal’ of twenty-six years.
This article couldn’t say it any better: http://www.montereyherald.com/ci_21245062/pat-hanson-promotes-aging-positively?IADID=Search-www.montereyherald.com-www.montereyherald.com
If the Tubs Could Talk, a short story that appeared in Monterey Shorts by Fiction Writters of the Monterey Peninsula and was aired many times by NPR’s KAZU.FM.

Listen to this story, read by the author.
Hopelessly Heterosexual?, a novel and screenplay subtitled “The Tenure Trap” about Dr. Jackie Wilkinson who returns from New York in 1990 to teach at the California party school where she learned about sex, drugs and rock n’ roll in the ‘60’s.
Behind the Maserati Tent, about her very short career as a limo driving in Pebble Beach.