A Good Way to Celebrate Mother’s Day even for the Estranged
Just letting you know about “My Mother’s Keeper”—play at the Cherry now thru May 27. It deals directly with the topic of grandparenting—great humor and many heartfelt moments! Sun. 2pm matinee plus Fri & Sat. 7:30. I’m going to the 2pm Sunday the 13th Mother’s Day, get your tickets and I’ll see you there: My […]
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I am proud to direct you to my newest article in GRANDmagazine.com http://www.nxtbook.com/nxtbooks/grand/20180506/index.php#/3 – be sure to look to the top of THE TABLE OF CONTENTS for a great image of talking with kids about gender and click the read more for some suggestions on the next page. Electronic reading takes some nimble skills but […]
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