Holidays are Hard on Invisible Grandparents
I’m very lucky this year to be celebrating what I call Gratitude Day, with turkey and all the trimmings modeled after the New Jersey ‘Loud Family’ I grew up in. Eight of us at my sister’s in Santa Barbara … first time all the descendents of my mother are in one place. May those of […] more
Creaking bones? Aging Positively? Moi?
3:40 p.m. I am lying naked covered in a paper gown on a table in my doctor’s office, glad I had an I-phone to do e-mail while Agnieska Lech, M.D. took 20+ minutes to get to me. At 68, courtesy Medicare and United Health Care supplemental (hall-ey-loo-ya!), it was time for my annual ‘women’s health […] more
My book is on Amazon today!
Oh my god! To paraphrase a few clichés “there are no accidents, no coincidences.” I just got notice that the book I’ve been working on for five years (!), just went up on today. October 24th. It’s Annie’s birthday. Annie, the source of my grief, my hopes, my prayers and the recipient of the […] more