Where Is The Love?
Dear _________, I feel so left out! I understand you’re hormonally challenged and you want your space; but I haven’t seen you or _________ for weeks just to visit and connect with, and honestly I wish you were someone else. After buying a fancy car with super life-saving devices so your child would be safe […]
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Control Does Not Equal Love
Dear _________ How dare you, you f______g bitch, keeping my grandkids from me! The ones I practically raised for three years before you snuck back in the door. I once told you I believed any difference we had could be resolved through love and respect. However I didn’t know what a controlling bitch you are! […]
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Get Over It!
Dear _________ We were always so close, had such a nice relationship. I never imagined a riff like this could come between us. Although you have explained your reasons to me why you can’t have us as part of your life, I still don’t get it. At first I respected your wish for ‘space’ believing […]
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Christmas Hurts!
December 18th 08 Dear Anne: I was just bending over the kitchen sink crying. Sobbing. I don’t want to turn on the radio and listen to cheery Christmas music, or go into stores and watch everybody spending money on gifts and stuff for the special foods they make every year. This year, the thought of […]
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