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Where Is The Love?

Where Is The Love?

Dear _________, I feel so left out! I understand you’re hormonally challenged and you want your space; but I haven’t seen you or _________ for weeks just to visit and connect with, and honestly I wish you were someone else. After buying a fancy car with super life-saving devices so your child would be safe […] more
Control Does Not Equal Love

Control Does Not Equal Love

Dear _________ How dare you, you f______g bitch, keeping my grandkids from me! The ones I practically raised for three years before you snuck back in the door. I once told you I believed any difference we had could be resolved through love and respect. However I didn’t know what a controlling bitch you are! […] more
Get Over It!

Get Over It!

Dear _________ We were always so close, had such a nice relationship. I never imagined a riff like this could come between us. Although you have explained your reasons to me why you can’t have us as part of your life, I still don’t get it. At first I respected your wish for ‘space’ believing […] more
Hairs on My Chinny Chin Chin?

Hairs on My Chinny Chin Chin?

March 9, 2010 Dear Anne … Yikes! You really feel old when you look in the mirror and notice those nasty little hairs that pop up unexpectedly on your chinny chin chin’ are white! Egads. I guess I really am 65! All my adult life, perhaps since my mid-twenties, although I was naturally blonde like […] more