Let’s hear it for functional families!
Well I didn’t have to cook for three days straight, but I can count on one hand the times I got to sit down and breathe on Thanksgiving Day! The 2.8 year old great grandchild going on six, stole the show, as did his dad’s turkey egg roll appetizers. I feel so lucky merely to […]
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A Trans Siberian Orchestra gift to Myself!
I probably just destroyed a few more cells in my already damaged ear drums from a rock opera/light show like none I’ve ever seen. As a day after Thanksgiving treat for myself, when I heard they’d be in town only one day, I was able to get one ticket to the Trans Siberian Orchestra in […]
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A Thanksgiving Reprieve?
Happy Thanksgiving to all of you chefs out there. As I told you: Halloween is my favorite holiday. Thanksgiving sort-of comes next, because of the spiritual gratitude part of it, but it is so exhausting! Three days of constant food shopping, baking and cooking, and in less than two hours, happy hour included, everyone sits […]
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Pope approves condoms … thru the back door?
November 21, 2010 Did anyone but me see the irony in the front-page AP headline in our local newspaper today? ‘POPE OPENS DOOR ON CONDOMS – He Calls Use by Male Prostitutes a Moral Responsibility.” What door are they alluding to? The back door of course. Well from behind or not, whether done by men […]
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A Christmas Trip to Radio City NYC
Dear Anne & Carter, Ooooh! I just finished reading the Arts & Leisure section of The Sunday New York Times. I always read that first, before that paper’s steaming intelligent analysis of current events. I swear reading it raises my IQ ten points. But somehow ‘the arts’ draw my attention first, before all the depressing […]
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Snow White, me now? Why?
Nothing like friends from out of town coming over to get you to pick up and clean house! Since Larry went back to work, I’ve felt myself slipping back into what they used to call the ‘Cinderella Complex.’ The Disney movies were famous for indoctrinating women into cleaning up after men, in fact in Snow […]
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A Home Ec Major who can’t boil eggs?
One of my best kept secrets is that I was a Home Economics major back when I entered college in 1962. Yup, cookin’ and sewin’ was what most people thought it was back then. Taught in most public schools too. “A good career you can combine with having a family,” my mother said, “and besides […]
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Halloween at the D.C. Rally for Sanity/Fear! With my son!
Halloween has always been my favorite holiday, and this one topped them all. My 27 year old son called to say he’d be at a conference at the Pentagon, and my wonderful now working HUSband gave me his United Mileage Plus miles, and whoosh! there I was staying with one of my best friends and […]
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