HOUSE OF CARDS BACK FOR IT’S FINAL SEASON … could any of it ever be true?

House_of_Cards_season_6Yes, and my husband and I needing our sleep at our age, have binge watched on Netflix all but three of its nightmare producing final eight episodes. No coincidence this award winning series was released during election week. Robin White as executive producer works with a stellar writing team that differs for each dark episode that bring more speculation and elusive truths to her character. Now President Claire Underwood, she continues her use of power in twists and turns of backstory and double-agenting that explore characters and situations from each past season. It opens with images of the burial of now dead Francis Underwood, (supposedly of a heart attack in their shared bed), and reviews theories to how he might’ve died. Not to be a spoiler I will leave out my take on how I looked for any semblance of love past or present in Claire’s face frozen with cold conflict.
I am glad Netflix gives you the opportunity to stop and start, so you can review the characters she unearths, Doug Stamper among them. If you’ve seen the other seasons, start now on season 6. If not, with lots of time and a strong heart, go back to the beginning.

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