Happy Gratitude Month
May each of you with family near and far have a blessed gratitude month, not just one day with a feast. Here is a quote that is funny but true, Gratitude for Humor (Science of Mind Magazine Nov 2019 page 45) I want to say thank you to all the people who walked into my […]
...read moreGratitude is Happiness Doubled by Wonder
Tis the season to be thankful. In America we celebrate with a feast of harvest bounty with our families’ favorite fall foods: roasted turkey, bread stuffing, gravy, rutabagas or turnips, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce and desserts like pumpkin or pecan pie. And no matter the hard or empty times we may have experienced: loss, death […]
...read moreGetting Through the Dark
When those of us who relish the warmth and light of summer days, and even the more oblique waning light days of autumn, feel the sunset after daylight savings time disappears and we move our clocks back one hour, some of us can get depressed. It is hard to look ahead almost three months to […]
...read morePlay House with Children, It’ll Help Later in Life!
Did you have a doll house as a child with a view inside to its rooms that you could fill with miniature everything from teacups in saucers, to pots and pans, furniture for bedrooms, living rooms and even bathrooms? Did you play set-up with boys as well as girls? I hope so, because sharing that […]
...read moreA Series I Still Hate to Love: THE RANCH
Last night I watched what was supposed to be the finale final episode of Ashton Kutcher’s adult redneck soap opera, but in spite of father Beau’s and son Colt saying I love you to each other directly, it turned quite dark. It had such cliff-hanger questions unanswered that I wonder if it’s really over. I […]
...read moreNominate yourself or someone for Happy Grandma Week
Ladies and Gentle-men, we had a really good 2nd Monday Invisible Grandparent meeting and I hope to see you again on August 12th. Our mother organization that has 135 support groups in 50 states and 22 countries and in the 7 years it has been in operation 219 reconciliation stories, www.AGA-FL.org Here’s a message […]
...read moreA Message for PEACE on Independence Day
Fireworks Aficionado by Pat Hanson (July 4, 2004 & July 3, 2019) We’re fireworks aficionados My significant equal and I ‘saw the millennium spectacle in 1999 with half a million on Washington, DC’s mall Marked the 4th of 2000 ‘cross the river from Manhattan Island We revel in pop, crack, pound-your-heart outbursts scintillating luminosity Spiraling, […]
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Diversity in Custom Car Colors … All Shades Matter
I used to have a thing about red cars, because they are cop attractors. My travel agent has a memo when he books a rental for me ‘no red cars.’ I think it goes back to the short six months that as a 23-year old bleach blonde I owned a red Alfa Romea convertible sportscar […]
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I just spent an hour very moved by a multi-media exhibit on Seniors and Isolation at the Santa Cruz County Museum of Art and History (MAH santacruzmah.org We’re Still Here. Experience what social isolation feels like in this powerful exhibition created by 186 seniors and advocates in our community). I will say it was depressing, […]
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A Post Mother’s Day Door Opening … 2019
After all these years I just got to view pictures of my granddaughter who is now 17 that I haven’t seen since she was four. Monthly I run an Invisible Alienated Estranged Grandparents Support Group for others who don’t get to see their grandkids for a myriad of reasons … but today I need it […]
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A Series I Hate to Love: THE RANCH
… is the musical refrain of opening credits that follow an introduction to seven seasons of half hour episodes of Ashton Kutcher’s adult redneck soap opera. I didn’t binge watch more than two or three at a time but was addicted to this show for the many weeks it took me to get them all. […]
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Let’s Honor All Parents on Mother’s Day
“Oh the places your kids will take you …” It takes courage, patience an determination to welcome a child, a potential adult to this world. Yes those sweet early moments nurturing and nourishing that new human to life are precious, whether they are part of your gene pool, adopted or gifted to you for complicated […]
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Blessed Earth Day
Now that the Easter bunny, especially The Country Bunny with the Little Gold shoes is resting after bringing delights to us all; it is time to remember to count all of our blessings especially for the great planet Earth we live on and to do things that will keep her healthy and thriving. Start with […]
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Grace & Frankie … Older, Closer but not Admitting It
All too real Look at Aging & Friendship I’ve loved this Amazon series since its beginning season in 2015. Silly yet serious stereotypical same sex stuff between men, and relationships that deepen as two newly ‘single’ women are thrown to live together in a beach house in LaJolla CA. We finished binging season and I […]
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My favorite octogenarian RBG!
May my favorite octogenarian and American icon Ruth Bader Ginsburg live long and prosper! If you haven’t seen the Oscar nominated Amazon Prime and I-tunes documentary ‘RBG” get it immediately. I haven’t seen “On the Basis of Sex” still in theatres, but heard it was equally great. Her ferocious campaign for equal rights for women […]
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Feminists Marching Again, Here’s the History
Watch the Netflix documentary Feminists: What Were They Thinking? for the five decade her/story of why women marched in the first place, and how very important it is now. It’s time to march again. On January 19, 2019, we’re going to flood the streets of Washington, D.C., and cities across the globe. The #WomensWave is […]
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DISIDERATA … a historic poem for starting a New Yeafr
“Desiderata” (Latin: “desired things”) is a 1927 prose poem by American writer Max Ehrmann. Largely unknown in the author’s lifetime, its use in devotional and spoken-word recordings in 1971 and 1972 called it to the attention of the world. Desiderata Go placidly amid the noise and haste, and remember what peace there may be in […]
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