Invisible/Alienated Grandparenting Affects Millions

This post got 2.3 million viewers yesterday to my Invisible Grandparent Facebook page, increasing my likes to 4,992 and followers to 5,155. I knew there were more of us out there and this proves it. I ache for us all and hope (hold only positive expectations) for reconciliation success stories to the many of you/us. Visualizing transcending pain works.

19 responses to “Invisible/Alienated Grandparenting Affects Millions”

  1. Pat Hanson

    To all who replied I am sorry I didn’t respond sooner … you need to know you are not alone with this kind of estrangement, go to to locate a support group in your area or start one of your own. The best book out is WHEN PARENTS HURT by Dr. Joshua Coleman who does a free q&A every Monday at 11:30 am PST and has a great newsletter to follow as well as some upcoming workshops available on line. Amanda founder of AGA recently published a book I THOUGHT I WAS THE ONLY ONE .. I reviewed it on Amazon.

  2. Annette

    How can I be a member?

  3. Annette

    I am having trouble with your website.Can you help me

  4. Linda Schultz

    Any support groups for grandparents in Near Jacksonville, Florida?

  5. Judie Miljan

    So pleased I found your site.

    My husband and I have been invisible grandparents four years now…second time.

    We don’t know how to get past this. Can you offer suggestions? Thank you.

  6. Jan Yoas

    I would love to become a member of this group and read your blogs – I’m going thru this and really suffering from it as I also have a number of diseases. I raised my granddaughter till she was 6 then my daughter whisked her off to another state to move in with some man she met on FB who just got out of prison – I got to have 3 weeks each summer with her but as she’s gotten older she desperately wants to live with us – she is the red headed stepchild who bears the brunt of my daughter’s narcissistic rage and anger towards me. Bc she voiced she wanted to live with me – I am now completely 100% cut off and blocked. My daughter had 2 kids with this guy who are 3 mo and 19 mo and my Bree is 10 so she feels unwanted. I’ve tried everything.

  7. Ana

    My heart has been broken for 2 years now.

  8. Susan Mckerrihan

    This happened to me last May. I have 3 beautiful grand children, (Emma 5, Fiona 3 and Lily 4 months). that I’m no longer able to see. I’ve done nothing wrong. My daughter’s husband doesn’t like me and is very controlling. He has brainwashed and oppressed my daughter, it’s beyond sad and hurtful. I feel my hands are tied. Thank you for the post, I’m crying as I’m writing this.

  9. Linda Jennings

    Please add me to your group.

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